Composite Bonding


Composite Bonding is minimally invasive and a great way to improve your smile

What is composite bonding?

Composite is the name given to the tooth coloured filling material we use. Over the years this has become stronger and more tooth like allowing it to be used where previously only ceramics would work.

In composite bonding we use this material to place on the front of your own natural teeth, with minimal preparation work. This can be shaped to correct small rotations, or gaps, giving your teeth a great appearance.

Why have composite bonding?

Composite bonding is:

  • Minimally invasive
  • Natural looking
  • Completed in one visit

Where patients have large numbers of irregularities, or especially dark coloured teeth, composite bonding can be used after Invisalign and Whitening to get a great aesthetic result.

Finance Available

We do not want cost to be a barrier to you accessing the best level of care for you.


Does composite bonding hurt?

This procedure is very comfortable, and often doesn’t even need local anaesthetic.

How long does it last?

Composite bonding can last around 7 years.

Do you take away lots of tooth?

Unlike crowns composite bonding involves very little loss of tooth substance.

Does Composite need maintenance?

Regular hygiene can help to keep your composite looking great.

What Our Patients Say